
Wind Resource Assessment « WINData LLC

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WINData conducts wind resource assessments to determine the meteorological and climactic characteristics of a site and from this analysis can estimate the potential power production and the impact to the project’s bottom line.

WINData provides met program design, data collection, data summaries, wind power output summaries, wind site analysis and professional meteorological certified reporting as per client requirements. Preliminarily, WINData can often determine a site’s seasonality and wind quality through a combination of a site visit, maps, and any existing site or regional data.

WINData site analysis is conducted using wind speed, wind direction, temperature, pressure and regional air density data gathered at or near the site’s location. Typically, wind flows vary over the complex terrain in a project area and it is crucial to have an experienced analyst conduct a topographically appropriate site study.

WINData wind site assessments provide project owners and designers with:

The average wind speed over all the turbine locations for the project

The maximum mean wind speed at the turbine location

Mean Wind Speed

Weibull Parameters and

Turbulence Intensity

Other factors examined to determine the environmental conditions at the site include:

Annual average ambient temperature

Extreme minimum ambient temperature

Extreme maximum ambient temperature

Days of temperature below –17° C

Days of temperature above 30° C

Average relative humidity

Height above sea level

The Weibull scale parameter and mean wind speed are used to determine the IEC Classification of the site and the subsequent classes of turbines that are suitable. The lower Weibull shape parameter indicates a large mean wind speed. The air density at the site is lower than at sea level, which will reduce the fatigue caused by the large mean wind speed.

If the temperatures on-site are very low, Low Temperature Option package are required from the turbine manufacturer and will be necessary for the best performance of the wind turbines at the project site. WINData uses the met data analysis to determine the size, number and manufacturer of wind turbines that will be used.

For each turbine, the following information is considered:

Power Curve

Technical specifications

Tower type and proposed hub height

Design life

Level of certification achieved

IEC design wind class (I, II or III)

Summary of performance guarantees and warranty provided

WINData can lead the process for final wind turbine selection and generate turbine recommendations for the project site. As the turbine selection process proceeds, WINData can go out to the list the potential turbine vendors to determine the availability and delivery schedule and other aspect of the turbine supply process, and further, obtain firm pricing bids and negotiate TSA’s and MRO’s for equipment and for warranty, service, and maintenance agreements with the manufacturer.

via Wind Resource Assessment « WINData LLC.